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The Truth About Vaccines

There is a documentary-series called The Truth About Vaccines. I’ve seen it before and it is excellent.

You can sign up here. Remember, each episode is on for 24 hours. My experience tells me at the end, they will have a weekend where all episodes will be available. Of course, if you would like, you can buy the series. This is the time that we need to critically consider what vaccines do to us. Someone recently said to me, “well, I’m sure you had some when you were a child.” Yes, I had two. But not they have so many and if the vaccines were what or health depended on, we would be the healthiest population of any country in the world as we take more vaccines than anyone else. But we aren’t. In fact, in terms of our health, we are way down the list according to the WHO. Please give this your attention before it is taken out of your hands!

1 thought on “The Truth About Vaccines

  1. Elva – thanks so much for pointing out the video on Judy Mikovits. I had watched a quite long interview by her, and am glad to find this short video, too. I am heartened by your sending this video to your clients. I am amazed at how entrenched people are about the so called ‘benefits’ of vaccines. Because I had a health crash 15 years ago in Arizona from toxin overload, and I have muscle testing skills, I really get the toxin problem in vaccines. You really helped me, too, when you said that selenium would help me detox the metals (gold) in my mouth, and it did!! I never knew about selenium for this purpose. Pam and I am so grateful for your alternative health care skills. We are blessed by them. Patty

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