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How many times in your life have you had to jump up in the middle of the night because you have a muscle cramp? This is common. And, of course, it is immediate. You can’t wait until your doctor calls you back. You need relief immediately. Sometimes you jump up before you are even awake. Not exactly restful sleep, right?

There are a couple of very easy things you can do–both completely natural.

I rarely have a cramp in my foot or leg, but when I do, I jump up, go to the kitchen and put some of Mercola’s Himalayan Salt in my hand. Then I lick my hand. I go back to bed–cramp free. That salt has over 80 minerals in it. I love it.

My niece has said: if you will eat 2 dates a day, you won’t have cramps in the middle of the night. 

If you have cramps, try one of these home remedies. If you don’t have success, then try the other one. Let me know which of the two ways helps you. And if you feel like it, you can send this to family, friend, post of Facebook, etc. This is a common problem. Help your neighbor!! Good luck!!

1 thought on “Cramps

  1. My cousin rides her Harley a lot & if she gets a cramp she always carries little mustard pkgs -instant relief.

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