I do the NeuroEmotional Technique in my practice. It isn’t hard for us to understand how our childhood affected us. Why? Because we remember it. Right? However, sometimes an emotion will go back to conception or our time in the womb. How in the world could that affect us emotionally? Here is an article that illuminates some of that mystery. Even though we might BELIEVE it is true, it is nice to have the science behind that belief. In case you are interested in that science, here is an article I think you will enjoy reading.
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June, July and August
Summer is flying by. As we are rolling toward July 4, I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather.
Did you know there is something called laughter therapy? If you are my age, you might remember a man by the name of Norman Cousins, who was diagnosed with cancer. He rented some funny movies and went to a hotel and for a time and watch all of them, laughing all the way. And guess what, his cancer was healed. How much laughing do you do? If you have small kids, probably a lot. Let’s make a point of laughing every day!! At least smile while out and about.
The thing I really noticed when I was in Thailand, the people wear smiles like we wear tennis shoes. It is a way of living. Let’s laugh easily and smile often (many times a day, even if it is in the mirror).
New Symptoms
If you aren’t a senior, you have friends and family who are. Let’s say someone comes up with a new symptom or group of symptoms. The first thing to review is: look up all the medications they are taking and see what the side effects are. That long list of side effects that you hear on their advertisements is no joke. Many people have had that side effect or it would not be listed.
It is scary enough being a senior. When new symptoms arrive, help them by looking up their medications and seeing if the side effects listed match their problem. And remember, it is not wise to simply stop a medication. I always tell a patient to go by and talk to their friendly pharmacist about how to get off if they can’t get in to see their doctor quickly.
I haven’t heard anyone singing “and the living is easy.” Not lately. But, It is easier for us to be well in the summer. We spend more time outside. Yeah for vitamin D, right? We tend to get more exercise. People vacation. Relaxation is a desired destination.
People tend to be healthier in the summer. People clear their organisms better in the summer. Even though people make new year resolutions in January, after Christmas, I think summer is a better time to decide to get healthier. So if your new year’s resolution slipped by you, decide to do three things throughout the summer to improve your health. It is June. Place a reminder on your calendar in mid-September to evaluate how you did on those three items.
Evaluate what you need to do the most to improve your overall health to determine your three things. Make you a priority every day for 3 months. Let me know how you do.
If there is a direction you can’t move or if you hurt when you move, you have a fascial problem. Fascia is a covering for your bone, your blood vessels, your organs, your nerve fibers as well as your muscles. When you have inflammation in your body, it acts almost like a glue. And that is what causes scar tissue. The scar tissue holds two areas together. You can think of it like your arm and a shirt. If they were sewn together, every time you moved your arm, the shirt would hold back some of your movement. And that is why connective tissue like the fascia is so important. Anytime someone cannot move well or without pain, there is likely a fascial problem. If you want to learn to move better very quickly, go to https://www.essentricstv.com. This is an exercise program geared to the fascial system of the body. You get 2 weeks free so just start doing the exercise. There is a strong possibility that you will fall in love with these exercises. Don’t blame me!
Your Feet!
Don’t forget about your feet! It is that time of year that we are going outside more and we need to be mindful of our feet and ankles.
I do believe we were born without shoes and to be without shoes is good, but the way we live, after a certain age, it seems we need shoes. I have never been able to go barefoot as I have very sensitive feet.
I can buy cheap clothes, no problem. But I buy the best shoes because I have “crazy” feet as I call them. But my advice is to pay as much as you necessary to get the right shoes for you. Comfortable and as supportive as needed. Just like I consider eating organic to be paying upfront to avoid a problem, I feel the same way about good shoes. You need them for all the days in your life!
I love to get a pedicure as it makes my feet feel better. Do exercises to keep your ankles flexible and step on a tennis ball with you bare feet and hold for about 3 minutes. Massage your feet. You want to lot from them, so be generous!
Cervical Spine
Do you know how very important your cervical spine is? Of course you do, but you might learn a little bit more if you listen to this video. I think this doctor is an orthopedist, but he would have made a very good chiropractor. You know how you feel just after getting a great adjustment on your neck? All is right with the world isn’t it? But if you are sick with anything, please listen as he explains much about the vagus nerve as well as many other pieces of anatomy as they traverse though from the head into the spine. You will learn a ton of information, most likely.
I like all of the video, but it does start a bit slow. the first 25 minutes or so is taken with how important prayer is especially in relationships. There is something to learn there, but don’t skip the medical part please, especially if you have almost any kind of problem.
It Must be a Secret
I will tell you what seems to be a secret. I heard Del Bigtree and Robert Kennedy, Jr, at different events speak to this. The two of them had a meeting with the FDA. In the meeting they asked, “you do have double blind, placebo-controlled studies on the vaccines on the children’s schedule?” They were assured they did. The two men asked to see them. They were not able to provide them that day, but would get the studies to them. They waited and waited. Then they called. More promises. Finally, they filed a lawsuit under the freedom of information act. They had their lawyers. The case went over a year I think, and finally, at the next court hearing, on the courthouse steps, they were told, “we don’t have any.” If they have the studies we should find out. Write a letter to the FDA asking for the double blind, placebo controlled studies that prove the childhood vaccines are safe.
This is from Dr. Mercola’s website. Please write the WHO and let them know your feelings about the following subject.
The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more
The WHO is not qualified to make global health decisions. As just one example, the WHO didn’t publicly admit SARS-CoV-2 was airborne until the end of December 2021, yet scientists knew the virus was airborne within weeks of the pandemic being declared. The WHO also ignored early advice about airborne transmission
More importantly, a one-size-fits-all approach to pandemic response simply does not work, because pandemic threats are not identical in all parts of the world. Even people in the same region do not have identical risk and may not need or benefit from identical treatment
The WHO will accept two more days of public comment on the treaty, June 16 and 17, 2022, so prepare your statements now. The World Health Assembly will also vote on amendments to the International Health Regulations, May 22-28, 2022, which may also strip away more individual rights and liberties
In “The Writing Life,” Annie Dillard writes: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing.” It’s an encouragement to live with intention.
This is a life lesson. Do you do things you do not want to do? If you read the book, “Dying to be Me” by Anita Moorjani, she said that she had a near death experience where she figured out why she “died.” It was because of her fear of doing something wrong. She said she had not done anything that she doesn’t want to do since she came back into her body, which at the time, was ravaged with cancer. She recovered. Let’s live intentionally.