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Can You Change Your Body?

Someone was in my office recently and asked me to look at their child’s feet.  They turn in.  Often it is called pigeon-toed.  What could she do about that?  It is obvious the child has a muscle imbalance and the muscles that turn her feet in are stronger than the ones that turn her feet out.  Some people say, “it runs in the family.”  That doesn’t mean it can’t be changed.  The fact of the matter is, something can be done about it. She may have perfect alignment with the right therapy as a child.   As an adult, I know she could see improvement, but her improvement might not be as complete as when she is a child and still growing and developing.

Don’t just accept that is the way it is.  That may be the way it is right now, but it doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.  It can change, especially if the change is done as a child.  Even bone remodels.  If you get the muscles that are too tight to relax and get the muscles that aren’t doing their job, to contract, her feet may turn out perfect.

Let’s change for the better what we.  It will make a difference in that child’s life!

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Water please!

Last week, I gave a link to the series on Alzheimer’s.  The link didn’t work correctly, and I apologize.  Here is the one that works.

We are in the midst of the hot days of summer.  It is easy to get dehydrated.  Did you know that the number one reason for kidney stones is not drinking enough water? Water is necessary.  Pure water.  If you have ever had a kidney stone, I won’t have to beg you to drink enough water.  They can be very painful.

When I go into a convenience store, there are so many drinks from which to choose.  Water is the best.  Adding a few squeezes of lemon juice can be helpful when you are home or in a restaurant.  And if you are inflamed you can add about an ounce of sugar free cherry juice or sugar free pomegranate juice to a tall glass of water.  They are refreshing drinks when you are sitting on the deck in the summer. ENJOY!

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Bone Broth

For years now, bone broth has been a hot topic in the holistic arena.  You may have read about using bone broth for many problems.  It didn’t take long until there were products for sale because, you know, making bone broth isn’t a 5-minute procedure. People have brought bone broths into my office for me to test and I’ve gone to the health food store to test bone broths and frankly, I rarely found one that tested well.  I’ve come to the conclusion bone broth is like many other things:  it is better if you make it yourself.

It is pretty simple if you have a crock pot.  I suggest for those who need to consume bone broth, if you can drink ½ cup a day, you will be doing well.  My number one requirement for bone broth is that the bones be from organic sources as much as possible.  I suggest rotating the bones.  One week make bone broth with the bones of chicken.  The next week, with the bones of beef and the next week, lamb.  You get the picture.

Gather the bones and put in a crock pot and cover with water.  If you have large bones, you might cut them.  Don’t forget to add the juice of a lemon.  You can add celery, carrots, and other vegetables for flavor if you desire.  When the broth is cooked, strain everything out.  Fill pint jars with the broth and let it cool before refrigerating and/or freezing.  You will prefer the taste of your homemade broth!

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On Fire!

Colorado is literally on fire!

When our skies are full of smoke, patients come in with the fire flu.  They don’t feel so good and know that it comes from the smoke in the air.

If you remember when Yellowstone was on fire, they took a sample of the air and found that there was mercury in the air.  But how did it get there?

Any metal processing, medical waste, mining gold and incineration of coal are major contributors to the environment.  Don’t forget atmospheric mercury too.  It comes from volcanoes and deposits of mercury.  All of these sources land on the ground.  When it rains, the mercury is taken into the soil where it goes into the roots of the trees.  Over time, the mercury goes into the trees.  When the tree is on fire, the mercury transforms into a gas.  We breathe it.  Scary huh?

With fire flu complaints, the most common finding is mercury.  The body wants something to pull the mercury. Most often it is Camu, Takesumi, or a mineral mix like Trace Mins or Biomins.  If you need help, give me a call.

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Refreshing Nature

School is out, and summer is here.  It is time to re-charge your batteries.  I’ve been in the mountains in Ouray and Durango.  We live on a big beautiful earth.  The city is so crowded but when I look at the space in the mountains, I’m struck with awe.  It is gorgeous.  It is big. It can be treacherous.  The earth is to be respected.

We get so busy with our daily life that you might forget what a beautiful world we live in.  Just a walk through a park or looking up in the sky at the beautiful cloud formations reminds you of the beauty in our lives.  I won’t stay in the mountains, but I will bring my refreshed mind and body back to the city.

If life gets you down, go to the mountains or to the ocean or to the plains of West Texas.  Go to the area that refreshes you.  Do it and come back refreshed!  Happy Summer!!

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What Has Changed

Life was so different when I was a child.  I remember Grandpa lying in the hospital bed when his cardiologist came into his hospital room.  His doctor sat on the side of his bed while they both smoked a cigarette and talked. Times have changed.

And times are continuing to change.  Please take advantage of the information available about vaccinations.  Are they necessary?  Do they do harm?  Make the best decisions for you and your children.  There is a lot of information.  Just read one book or listen to one docuseries about the problems with vaccinations.  Then make your decisions.

One issue is that when I was a child, I did not get a vaccination until I was 6 years old.  I remember the day because that meant I could go to school like my big sister.  I think I only got two vaccinations.  Now your child is scheduled for 72 if they get all the powers that be would like them to have.  Just think about the assault to the body.

If nothing else, go to the Facebook site for Colorado Coalition for Vaccine Choice group. Learn statistics.  Go to my Facebook page for my office.  I posted an article that says autism is caused by the macrophages delivering the aluminum in vaccinations to the brain.

The drug companies are not held responsible for any negative effects from vaccinations.  Once that happened, the number of vaccinations keeps mounting, requiring more and more and more.  Wonder why?  Follow the money.  Watch the docuseries.  Call me and I will give you the names of a few books.  Most importantly:  educate yourself!

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Moving Toward Health

How many people do you know who go to the doctor with complaints, have numerous tests performed, and yet they can’t find a diagnosis?  These poor people are go from doctor to doctor, have test after test, and still don’t feel well.  The problem is they don’t have a disease.  A diagnosis is normally a disease.  Doctors look for disease.  Even arthritis is considered a disease.  If you don’t have a disease, they don’t have a diagnosis for you.

That is why people have a problem for a good while going from doctor to doctor and nothing can be found until it is.  Now you have a disease.  To me, health care should be about intervening BEFORE the disease is found.  After a disease is found, it is sickness care.

I like to think of what I do as making the body function better so that the process of disease is interrupted.  Sometimes the trajectory toward a disease is completely thwarted.  Going toward health and away from disease is the intention.

Of course, we are all aging. Have you noticed we have more issues with age?  If you are experiencing an issue and need help, come in.  It is liver time of the year!  Get your spring tune up!

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You have heard the quote, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”  I’m not sure where it came from, but it seems to be true.  I have written enough on this blog about cholesterol, but when I find something too good to pass up, I have to pass it on to you!

On Dr. Mercola’s blog, there are a few bullet points you don’t want to miss.  We were told that saturated fat is bad for us.  People ate low fat diets and heart disease rates soared!  And yet there are still people who think saturated fat is bad for you.  Studies have proven that higher cholesterol levels are associated with longer life and better health.  It may sound unbelievable to you and that is why I gave you the link.  Everyone needs to learn that saturated fats are good for you.

Vegetable oils are not good for you.  Got inflammation?

If you know someone who uses vegetable oil, print off the article and give it to your friend.  Save a life!  I always wonder when I am at the health food store, why do they use sunflower oil or canola oil for most chips?  They call that health food?  There are a few that are beginning to use coconut oil.  It is about time!



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The Bottom Line

Last week I gave you links to several docuseries so if you have an auto-immune disease or diabetes, you could learn more information.  Most people are too busy to watch all of these each night for 9 evenings, including myself.  I wish I could see all of them, but life has other plans.

A patient was in my office and I was telling her about the docuseries.  She said, “oh, I know you will tell me if there is something I need to know.”  If I know it, I will.  But new things are being discovered all the time.

I have listened some this week.  This is the bottom line:  you need to eat well.  Most of my patients know what that means, but in case someone is reading this who isn’t my patient, I’ll remind you what that means.

If it came off a tree, bush or from the ground, eat it.  Eat food without added poisons (including sugar) or preservatives.  Eat animals who roam freely and eat what is natural to the animal.  In other words, if it was available 100 years ago, and is available now, eat it.  That means eat real food.  Give up processed foods.  And eat organic as much as possible.  Eat non-GMO.

If you or someone you know is having health problems, do this for four months and re-evaluate your health.  It WILL be better!  How could it not be?  The bottom line is pay attention to what you put in your mouth, how you chew, your stress levels, your bowels and your exercise.

I felt like I was listening to myself:  “you need to kill fungus, virus, bacteria, rid the body of parasites, and pull the heavy metals!”  Well, honestly, it COULD have been me!  Have a fabulous week of eating well!