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Back to Basics!

It is always good to remember the basics!  In our health care, I consider the basics to be structure, chemistry and energetics.  Most people think of structural work when they think of chiropractic.  The adjustment not only effects the joints, but those joints send signals all the way to the brain.  As our food and environment has more problems, the chemistry work is a God-send.  Getting rid of organisms and avoiding foods that we are sensitive to can give us great benefit.  Energetics include many ways the body can be shifted through energy work like acupuncture, NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique), flower remedies along with many other modalities.  Often people have one area (structure, chemistry or energetics) where they feel they receive the most benefit.  Some people, like myself, find they need a combination of all of the treatments to really feel well.  Leave a comment below and tell me, does your body benefit more from structural work, chemistry work or energetic work?  And, remember, GOOD HEALTH IS PRICELESS!

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The Healthiest Time of the Year

As the warmer months approach, we are pleased to welcome better health.  Spending time outside allows  us more vitamin D and exercise.  Just walking and enjoying fresh air is good for our health.   It feels good to take a deep breath of fresh air especially out in nature.  You may notice your mood picking up as more sunlight sparks brighter attitudes.  And nature gives us beautiful flowers which certainly brings a smile to my face.  I love the seasons and what each has to offer, and that includes foods.  The farmer’s markets are open with fresh fruits and vegetables. Indulge yourself eating fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic!!  ENJOY!

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Can You Hear What Your Body Has to Say?

One pamphlet that crossed my desk said, “one in five Americans use at least one psychiatric drug a day.” Wow! Have we given up on helping people deal with their feelings? There are so many options for help available these days before opting for drugs.  When we medicate our pain, we can’t feel it and therefore we don’t even know we have pain. And I am talking emotional pain as well as physical pain. I remember a woman who brought her daughter to me after having an accident because years before, the mom was involved in a car accident and was put on a drug she took for 9 years, until she realized how disconnected she was to her children. She didn’t want that to happen to her daughter. Allow your body to talk to you!

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A Choice for Health!

I hope you were fortunate enough to watch the series “The Truth About Cancer,” that I linked you to in a previous health tip. If you did, then you realize why I do the best I can in my practice to rid our bodies of subclinical bacteria and viruses with supplements and diet.  About 18% of cancers are caused by infection while genetics causes between 5-8% of cancers. The take home: we are ahead of the game when we keep the insides of our bodies clean from infection.  Even the smallest change matters. If you know you need to eat better, take one small step at a time. You can make small changes that your body will thank you for such as quit drinking sodas (first go down on quantity until you can completely quit), quit eating processed food, or eliminate artificial sugars. There are so many small things you can do to improve your health. What change are you willing to make? Leave a comment below with the change you will make this spring. And remember, Good Health is Priceless!!

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Don’t Wait

Have you seen the photo of the naked man climbing down a ladder from the second floor as his house was on fire?  Placed on the photo was a memo saying “Note To Self:  wear pajamas!”  It is funny and we all laugh, but so often we are caught unaware.  Over time, I teach my patients if you fall or  minimally hurt yourself and come in right away, it is often a one visit treatment.  But if you keep thinking, “it SHOULD go away because it isn’t that bad,” we could write a note on the refrigerator:  “Note to Self:  When you first hurt, go see Dr. E.”  We live and learn.  The tricky part is, sometimes it does go away.  If it hasn’t after a day or two, do yourself a favor and come see me.  The problem finds roots when it stays without correction.  I remember a woman came in and said, “I started to wait until after I went skiing this weekend to come in.”  My response was, “I’m glad you came in now because your coordination will be better after an adjustment and poor coordination could cause you an injury while skiing.  The moral of the story is simply, “Note to Self:  Don’t Wait.”

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Learn About Cancer Cures!

Today I want to alert you to the video series, The Truth About Cancer:  A Global Quest.  I have watched it for the last several years.  It is normally a sequence of about 9 videos where one is sent out each day and available for you to watch for 24 hours.  After 24 hours, the next one will be sent out  At the end of the sequence, you can order the series to have for your own viewing as well as supporting their work which I think is fabulous!  Here is a link to have it sent to your inbox.  

And, listen to my interview on top-ranked Conscious Millionaire Health Podcast on business entrepreneurship.  Click here:

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Shoe Shopping!

Do you love going shoe shopping?  Our experience as consumers has changed. If you buy a new pair of walking shoes, the odds are, you are buying a different kind than you previously bought. The obvious reason is because that style has been discontinued. There are pros and cons to that experience. It is great that technology allows manufacturers to make better and more supportive shoes for our feet. The down side is that when we find a pair of shoes that we really love and fit our feet like a glove, another pair is not available to buy when those shoes wear out. My solution to this dilemma is when I find a great pair of shoes that support my feet in just the right way, as soon as I make that determination, I go back and buy another pair and put them away until the day the shoes I am wearing no longer support my feet. If you don’t have any problems with your feet you might love getting a new style each time, but for people with problem feet, trying to find the right pair of walking shoes isn’t easy, so buying a second pair is really helpful for them.

I am teaching a muscle testing class April 14th from 6-8. If you want to help yourself, this is the place to be. Call and reserve your spot as space is limited!

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Which Supplement Do I Need?

A supplement company doesn’t put all ingredients on their label. Why does this matter? A patient came in and I tested her for my products Camu and Melia as well as a couple of other products. She had those at home or so she thought. She had camu and neem, but different brands that I had tested her for. She called and said she had been taking them and they upset her stomach.  She brought her supplements to me and, she was right, she tested bad to those supplements, but still tested good to mine. Same name, different brand, but was not effective for her. Another example: I had a child in my office with supplements that upset her stomach. I could not find any supplement in my office that would work for her. So I met her and her dad at the health food store and tested each brand of what I thought she needed. She only tested positive to one brand. I probably tested 10 or 12 different brands. The take home: it really matters what we take! Not all supplements are created equal!

Annoucement: I will be teaching a muscle testing class April 14 from 6-8. $25 per person. Call to get on my list. There is limited space! I’d love for you to come join us!!

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Sunny Days!

Spring ushers in excitement because we know that we feel better when our days are filled with more natural light.    The sun is very healing and nurturing.  Doesn’t it feel fabulous?  In Colorado, even in the winter, if we can stand in the sun, it feels good almost regardless of how cold it is.  We are fortunate to have so many sunny days.  No, we don’t want to get sun-burned, but a little sun every day does wonders for us in both mood and health.  There are so many cancers that are turned off with a higher Vitamin D level in our blood.  I’ve seen studies that talked about the amount of money that would be saved in health care if people just had enough Vitamin D.  Sad isn’t it?  And yes, we can get vitamin D from a pill, but  it is best to get it the way God intended, and that is from the sun.  So enjoy the sun a little every day.  It is your friend!

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Mystery Illness!

I have THE BEST patients! I heard about the book, “Medical Medium,” from a patient and it is making the rounds quickly. I’m wondering, will this book change the trajectory of medicine? I don’t know. But it will change the trajectory of many patients, of that I am sure. As many of you know, I talk on and on about fungus, bacteria, virus, parasites—all the organisms as well as heavy metals. This man does too and gives an alternate perspective to people who suffer from mystery illness.  He says medical science will validate his claims in about 30 years. I won’t steal his thunder. Read it for yourself! If you suffer from a mystery illness or lyme disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, lupus, RA, or any autoimmune disease, please read this book and take from it what you can! Here is the link.