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I’ve had many discussions with patients and friends about fluoride.  How could it be bad if your dentist suggests fluoride treatments?  I never expect a person to simply take my word for a statement I make.  My cousin once asked me, “How do I know you are right?”  You don’t.    Do your own homework.  It is exhausting to have to check everything out, isn’t it?  It is especially exhausting when there are so many “government agencies” that stick with the party line, no matter what evidence is contrary.

First, get a sense of how things are in the world.  How many countries follow the guidelines of the United States?  Not many.  For example, I think there are 40 countries that outlaw GMO’s.  They don’t want them.  But instead, we outlaw labeling GMO’s.  Whether you are a GMO fan or not, doesn’t that sound a bit crazy?  If they were so good for all Americans, why wouldn’t you want to label it so people could identify that wonderful food?  Why would they spend billions to keep them from being labeled?  Good question.  And there are countries who have banned the use of fluoride.  They have their reasons.

Fluoride is a neurotoxin.  Neuro means brain.  Toxin means it is bad for it.  You decide.

I remember a book that made a big impact on me when it came out.  It is, ”The Fluoride Deception,” by Christopher Bryson.  That book is a great place to start because it starts at the beginning and gives names, dates and places of what led to adding fluoride to the water.

You might want to look up dental fluorosis.  Some people have white splotches in their teeth and that is because they had too much fluoride when the enamel on their teeth was forming.  Teeth can actually be damaged.

Then there is skeletal fluorosis.  When people have skeletal fluorosis, often looking at an x-ray you don’t know if they have excessive calcium deposits or if it is fluoride.  It looks like arthritis.  And, if bad, it can cause pain and damage to your bones and joints.

So why do we put fluoride in our water and toothpaste?  Oh yeah, it will help the teeth, but do you really want to compromise all of your body, and especially your brain and your skeletal muscles in order to help your teeth?  Brush your teeth instead!  It works.  And flossing makes it even better!

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Say No to Cancer!

There is a ground swelling here in the United States and it is a grassroots action.  It is led by Ty Bollinger, and others, to help people fight cancer.  Ty’s mother and father both died at too young of an age of cancer and it set him on a path of seeking understanding of cancer, how to avoid it and, if you have it, how to heal.  It has evolved into an online series called, “The Truth About Cancer.”

And we are fortunate because Ty is giving us another opportunity to learn and it will start October 5.  You need to give them your email and they will then send, for three days, a video for you to watch with the information they want to share.

I think it is a fabulous mission.  We can’t expect the pharmaceutical company to support this work.  It will be a grassroots effort to turn the tide of our health in this country through education.  Ty’s mission is to educate the public about holistic methods of healing cancer and how to avoid it all together.

Sign up for this wonderful series here.  And please share this blogs with your friends who want to also learn to avoid this disease.  And remember, Good Health is Priceless!!

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Soup’s On

Fall has been in the air since the first of August this year.  Children have returned to school and the coughs and sore throats have already begun.  Fall started early this year and so did the assault to the immune system.  It reminds me of my first adjustment.  I was sick, went to the chiropractor and got a neck adjustment and was better the next morning!  So don’t forget your adjustment.

It is great to make some soups, especially chicken noodle soup, and freeze in one or two portion containers for the day someone in the family needs to stay home and recuperate.  When someone is sick, you are glad you stored away a cup of health!

If you haven’t seen my videos about making the detox bath or the video about using an onion for an ear ache, be sure to do so.  Look under resources on my website.  These are so simple, but powerful!  They work.  Keep yourself rested and warm and the colds will pass you by.

As it gets colder wearing a scarf is helpful.  Long before scarves were popular here, they wore them in Europe because of the cold.  Keeping your neck, and even the top of your head warm, can be very important in keeping you well.

As the seasons change, stress is placed on the body.  It is obvious as that is the time people tend to get sick.  It so happens to correspond with school starting and increased activity like football games and practices.  Be especially careful when the wind is blowing.  We can take the cold without the wind, but when the wind blows, it takes the cold straight into the bones.  Scarves and coats if you must be outside.  Warm up by the fireplace and have a cup of hot tea.  And, don’t forget to enjoy fall!

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Cleaning the Body of Organisms!

Most physical problems have some origins in organisms.  Organisms are bacteria, virus, parasites and fungus.  The origin of many problems is hidden by organisms as well as heavy metals.  They just muck the picture up causing confusion.  No matter what your complaint, clean your body out first.  Then, and only then, can you see what your body is trying to tell you.

If you decide to redecorate, you don’t go in with the decorator while your teenage children are having a dance party in the room.  In fact, usually, you might wait a few years until they are out of the house.  All is quiet.  Now is the time to take your decorator into your room that needs a face lift and make plans for redecorating.

While your body is carrying around bacteria, fungus, virus and parasites, you might not be able to understand the communication from your body.  If you listened to the video series, “The Truth About Cancer,” most of the doctors interviewed mentioned the necessity of clearing the body of these organisms and heavy metals.  It is a first step.

In my way of thinking, keep the body clean on the inside, just like you do on the outside so there is little possibility of organisms creating all kinds of havoc that looks like pain syndromes and diseases.

Even though heavy metals are not an organism, I also throw them into the pile that needs to be cleared from the body.  Then you can feel as clean on the inside as you do on the outside.  When clean, there is less chance for your body going awry.  And you might ask what about the good bacteria?  The good bacteria grow exponentially when the bad bacteria and its equally undesirable friends are out of the picture.

I work to keep people off of medications by cleaning the body on the inside.  Come see me!

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Colds and Flu

Colds and flu begin as soon as school starts.  Normally it takes about 3 weeks to get used to the new schedule school requires.  Plenty of sleep will always help you, as well as your children, fight off the dreaded virus and bacteria.  Stay hydrated.  And don’t forget to eat real food.  90% of the food sold in the USA is processed food.  That means it has been altered and will not give you rich nutrients to support your body while it is under attack.  Homemade chicken soup is soothing and helps you with electrolytes.  And fruit gives you the antioxidants you need to support your recovery.

If you need more support, be sure to look on my website under Resource and scroll down to GEMS.  I have a video giving you the recipe for a detox bath, a castor oil pack and using an onion to relieve the congestion in your ears.  Use them as needed to get through this “rough patch” that we go through each year.

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Move Over Monsanto!

You probably know that I do not like pesticides, herbicides or GMO’s in my food.   If you have taken advantage of watching the video series “GMO’s Revealed,” I’m sure you are learning information that will serve your better health.

Mike Adams, known as The Health Ranger, was interviewed in the “GMO Revealed” series.  He informed that a device is being created that you can tale to the grocery store with you.  It will be small. similar to a cell phone.   You point the device toward a food and it will display how much glyphosate (round-up) is in the food.  Only then will you be able to truly decide what you put in your mouth.

He thinks that Monsanto will end up like the tobacco industry.  Tobacco companies, for years, said smoking did not cause a negative effect on your health, just as Monsanto is saying today.  However, through court cases and discovery, their own research is revealing that they have known how bad Round Up is for our health.

40 other countries have outlawed GMO’s.  In the US, we outlawed labeling  GMO’s.  How crazy is that?  If vaccines and GMO’s are good for you and support our health, the US would be far above all other countries in the health department.  But it just isn’t so.  The World Health Organization rates the health of the citizens of each country every year.   We spend far more than any other country for our health, but we are way down the list in terms of health of our citizens.  When will we wake up?  It is always a grass roots effort that wakes people up.  For the sake of the children we love, let’s be part of the grass roots effort to stop the madness before it is too late to recuperate our health!


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GMO Education

Everyone talks about GMO’s.  Recently my friend asked, “well, exactly what is a GMO?”

It is understandable.  We throw words around as if everyone knows what we are talking about when, in fact, they do not.

Today begins a free video series about GMO’s.

Maybe you need more information to really decide if you want to eat GMO’s or not.  Will they hurt your children?  And how will they hurt you if you eat them?  And, how exactly do they hurt you?

If you are going to talk intelligently about GMO’s, you need information.  I have not seen this series so I do not know what they have to say about GMO’s.  As far as I know, this is the first time it has been shown.  What a service as they compile all the information together for you to see.  That means you can get the information without having to go to the library or comb through pub med.

I like being fed information as long as it is honest information.

When you have the information, it is clearly up to you to decide to include or exclude GMO’s from our diet.

And whether you include them or exclude them in your diet, at least you will be more knowledgeable.  It is always more interesting to have a conversation when we know what we are talking about!

If you are a “movie night” family, please select this one.  I know there are several days of information.  Please don’t think if you miss one day, there is no reason to continue watching.  That isn’t true.  Each video stands on its own.  Schools are starting back.  It is time for those of us who don’t go to school to get some free education!  Listen up!

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Chronically Sick People

Why are so many people chronically sick and don’t seem to get help from medicine.  They are given one medication after another to try.  When it doesn’t work, on to the next one.  And, I’ve seen my share of people who never found the “right” medication.  Perhaps it is because the patient was not deficient in the medication.  Medications cannot be patented if they are naturally found in the body, so, it is safe to say, medications are foreign to the body.  So why should we be surprised with negative side effects?  They are built into the system.

Would you agree that many people are chronically sick because of adverse childhood events?

Have your doctors ask you if you experienced adverse childhood events like abuse or alcoholism in your home when you were a child?

The most common behaviors that are considered risky for your health are sexual behaviors, smoking, alcohol and drug use.  A large study found that people use these behaviors as strategies to cope with the long-term stress of adverse childhood events.  Maybe when people are sick, they should be asked about their childhood.  If a doctor sees you as an integrated whole, all of you is important in determining what is wrong with you.  This study is important.  If you had adverse childhood events, please read this study and discover the statistics.  And don’t be a statistic!  Get help!

If you had adverse childhood events, please come see me.  I can help you.  When you are having problems with your body and you realize your emotions are stored in your body, you will understand that perhaps your physical problems might be related to the emotions stored in your body from childhood.

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There are so many things you can do for yourself at home.  Today I am going to remind you of a few.

Doing these will take only a few minutes and will reap benefits.

  • As you are standing, squeeze your butt cheeks together ten times. If you have a chronic low back, do it about every hour.  Great opportunities are while standing in line to pay for groceries, filling the car with gas and washing dishes.  But don’t forget, you can do it while sitting too.
  • Find your rolling pin in the kitchen. Use it on your body, rolling the muscles.  Generally, you massage toward the heart, no matter where you are on the body.  I find so many people have tight legs.  Start at your Achilles and go up toward your hip.  If your hips are tight, you can roll them too.
  • I read a study once that said the number one habit over years and years that led to good health was deep breathing. Let the breathing begin.  When you breathe in, your stomach should go out.  When you breathe out, your stomach should go in.  Your shoulders stay still.  All the action is in the abdomen.  Stop once a day and just practice breathing!
  • Be Happy! There is nothing more healing than happiness.  You may think you can’t create it, but you can.  For proof, just be around a small child, a sweet animal or put on some music that makes you want to dance!  Practice smiling!

Often, we forget to do small things to help us feel better because our focus is out there in the world instead of inside our body.  Be serious about doing these.   Print this page off or write these down on a notecard and put them on your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator as a reminder.  Don’t wait for pain to be your reminder!

And, if you wish you had seen the Vaccines Revealed, and didn’t get a chance, there is another free showing for a limited time.  Go here.

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Is Your Posture Affecting Your Health?

People watching is an interesting business, especially in the summer.  The beach is the best, but anywhere will do.  Watch people as they walk, and their posture will talk to you.  You can tell if they are in pain while walking.  You can tell if their head juts forward or if one shoulder is higher than the other.  It is one thing to see it in others.  But look in the mirror.  Do you have postural distortions?

As I tell my patients, let’s look at the long-term picture.  It isn’t just about what is happening today, but we want to have good posture in 20 years from now.

Like Roger Dangerfield (for those who might remember him), posture gets no respect.  There are many studies that correlate posture with health.  Your posture speaks volumes.  And to change it takes work.  As long as you are healthy, doing a little work on your posture each day will pay off dividends.

So today, look in the mirror and notice your posture.  You might even take a photo of yourself.  Over time, continue to notice and see if you can make corrections.  You change posture through strengthening the stretched muscles and stretching the tight muscles.  If you need help to determine what those are, come in and see me!