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Refreshing Nature

School is out, and summer is here.  It is time to re-charge your batteries.  I’ve been in the mountains in Ouray and Durango.  We live on a big beautiful earth.  The city is so crowded but when I look at the space in the mountains, I’m struck with awe.  It is gorgeous.  It is big. It can be treacherous.  The earth is to be respected.

We get so busy with our daily life that you might forget what a beautiful world we live in.  Just a walk through a park or looking up in the sky at the beautiful cloud formations reminds you of the beauty in our lives.  I won’t stay in the mountains, but I will bring my refreshed mind and body back to the city.

If life gets you down, go to the mountains or to the ocean or to the plains of West Texas.  Go to the area that refreshes you.  Do it and come back refreshed!  Happy Summer!!

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What Has Changed

Life was so different when I was a child.  I remember Grandpa lying in the hospital bed when his cardiologist came into his hospital room.  His doctor sat on the side of his bed while they both smoked a cigarette and talked. Times have changed.

And times are continuing to change.  Please take advantage of the information available about vaccinations.  Are they necessary?  Do they do harm?  Make the best decisions for you and your children.  There is a lot of information.  Just read one book or listen to one docuseries about the problems with vaccinations.  Then make your decisions.

One issue is that when I was a child, I did not get a vaccination until I was 6 years old.  I remember the day because that meant I could go to school like my big sister.  I think I only got two vaccinations.  Now your child is scheduled for 72 if they get all the powers that be would like them to have.  Just think about the assault to the body.

If nothing else, go to the Facebook site for Colorado Coalition for Vaccine Choice group. Learn statistics.  Go to my Facebook page for my office.  I posted an article that says autism is caused by the macrophages delivering the aluminum in vaccinations to the brain.

The drug companies are not held responsible for any negative effects from vaccinations.  Once that happened, the number of vaccinations keeps mounting, requiring more and more and more.  Wonder why?  Follow the money.  Watch the docuseries.  Call me and I will give you the names of a few books.  Most importantly:  educate yourself!

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Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mom’s out there.  Never worry about your place in your child’s heart.  You have left your mark.  In fact, you are never as close to anyone as your mom because, at one time, you shared the same body.  For nine months, you shared your mom’s chemistry, you shared your mom’s feelings during her pregnancy and you became attached to your mom’s voice.  In the womb, you heard her speak because sound travels through bone.  The baby has to leave the womb, so how does the baby continue to feel attached to the mom after birth?  It is through the mother’s voice.  Once born, you might notice a baby’s eyes following the mom’s voice.  Although they don’t know, “that is my mama,” they are energetically attached to her voice after birth, much like an invisible cord. The process of attachment, leaves me in awe!  No wonder so many people say they are so close to their mother.

Mother’s, enjoy your special day.  Being a mother is, in many ways, a thankless job.  And at the same time, there is no feeling like the love for a child.  I’ve told many parents, “you didn’t become a parent to get your ego stroked.”  We laugh. No, a parent has to stand tough. When the baby is small, it is, oh so sweet.  For most of us, as teenagers, we gave our parents a run for their, shall I say, sanity? Growing up is no small task.  One of my friend’s child asked, when is child’s day?  For the mama, it is every day!  This weekend, make your mothers day special!

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Moving Toward Health

How many people do you know who go to the doctor with complaints, have numerous tests performed, and yet they can’t find a diagnosis?  These poor people are go from doctor to doctor, have test after test, and still don’t feel well.  The problem is they don’t have a disease.  A diagnosis is normally a disease.  Doctors look for disease.  Even arthritis is considered a disease.  If you don’t have a disease, they don’t have a diagnosis for you.

That is why people have a problem for a good while going from doctor to doctor and nothing can be found until it is.  Now you have a disease.  To me, health care should be about intervening BEFORE the disease is found.  After a disease is found, it is sickness care.

I like to think of what I do as making the body function better so that the process of disease is interrupted.  Sometimes the trajectory toward a disease is completely thwarted.  Going toward health and away from disease is the intention.

Of course, we are all aging. Have you noticed we have more issues with age?  If you are experiencing an issue and need help, come in.  It is liver time of the year!  Get your spring tune up!

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Keep moving!

With the warmer weather, you are outside working your gardens or going for walks.  It is so good for you to be physically active but I don’t have to tell you that you can’t do today what you did when you were younger without paying a price.

So here are a couple of tips:

1)  At the end of a day where you have been physically active, find your rolling pin. Have you noticed you don’t use it much anymore, at least not for its intended use?  Use the rolling pen on your legs.  Always start away from the heart and massage up toward the heart. Do the front of the legs and the back of the legs, and don’t forget the sides.  My Granny had a completely different idea for her rolling pin, but for me, this is about as much use as it gets.

If you prefer the real deal instead of a rolling pin, I have a few in my office for sale.  Yes, they might be a little better than the rolling pin, but anything is better than nothing!

2)  Don’t forget an Epsom salt bath if you have cramps in your legs or back, or have sore muscles.  The magnesium is absorbed through the skin into your tissues without going through the digestive tract, which can cause diarrhea.  If you want my detox bath, go to and search my name.  I have a video up demonstrating my detox bath.

3)  There are many potions that will help your muscles relax.  I like using my WO oil.  I also like Pain Away which is an essential oil.  Tiger balm is great.  And if you haven’t ever used Traumel or some kind of lotion with arnica, you might like it.  And don’t forget the cbd body butter I told you about previously.  All of this is to say, keep exercising!  Be moderate and enjoy what you do!

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The Sacred Plant!

I have been watching some of the docuseries, “The Sacred Plant.”  It about using medical cannabis and hemp for cancer, MS, memory, seizures, and many more problems.  Sometimes you are at your wits end and you are willing to try something you never thought you would.  We have to remember, it is a plant.  There are so many emotions around using marijuana that many people have been hesitant.  I got over any hesitation I had by googling and reading, “The Marijuana Conspiracy.”  It was an eye-opener for me and it might be for you.

If you think about it, a plant might be safer than a lot of drugs that are manufactured.  They showed studies that have been done using cannabis.  Much of it is used in conjunction with pharmaceuticals.  But all the studies are on mice.  Why can’t we do human trails?  I hope it isn’t because big pharma doesn’t want any competition.

The fact of the matter is, there are many people fighting for their life and there is hope with the products of these plants.  It isn’t easy for patients to know where to find strong enough of cannabis oil to cure cancer.  And much of it is expensive.

As they said, “People with cancer aren’t interested in getting high.  They are interested in getting well.”

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A guilty conscience can keep you from having a good night sleep.  And according to the lead developer of the HPV vaccines, that is why she confessed and warned the parents of young girls about getting the HPV vaccine.  Her name is Diane Harper and she was responsible for some of the safety and effectiveness studies for Gardasil and Cervarix.  She now claims they are dangerous.  Her testing was supposed to have proved their safety.  She now claims they don’t work.  I’m sure the parents of the 5,529 girls who never recovered from the vaccine wish she had been forthright BEFORE releasing the vaccines.  And she claims they were not properly tested before marketed.  She should know as that was her job.  I can see why she needs to confess to clear her conscience.  But really, what about the over 27,000 young women who have had adverse events from the vaccines.  Ms. Harper doesn’t have a good night’s sleep, but those young women have problems that will haunt many of them for the rest of their lives.

Don’t believe me.  Please do your own research.  “Vaccines Revealed” was a great series.  It will come around again.  Be sure to watch it.

And in case you think the HPV is a one off  problem, think again.  The flu vaccine is the most dangerous as it has harmed and killed more people than all the other vaccines put together!  Do your homework.  Is it worth it?

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A good night’s sleep is essential.  Some people report chronic sleep deprivation.  I really don’t know how people do it because if I don’t have my sleep, I’m not a happy camper.

Lack of proper sleep is involved in car crashes as well as work-place accidents.  Our memory is affected by lack of sleep.  For your brain to be in top running condition, you must get your sleep.

It is very frustrating when you want to get a good night’s sleep, but you can’t sleep because of pain.  Here are a few suggestions.

  • Do not eat for a couple of hours before you go to bed.
  • Take my detox bath or a warm shower before bed.
  • If you feel distressed, take 5 drops of rescue remedy.
  • People sleep better sleeping cool.  Turn down the heat and pull up the covers.
  • The right pillow for your neck is imperative.  If you don’t have one that is comfortable and supports your neck, time to pillow shop.  A pillow lasts about 2 years.
  • Hip pain when side sleeping is common.  Be sure to put a pillow between your legs.  I like it to go from right above my knees to my ankles.  You want your top leg to be straight where there is no pulling at the hip.
  • When you get into bed, do a few deep breaths.  Bring your breath all the way to the belly button…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz