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People are confused about prostate issues.  I remember when I was in my first office, a man came to me wanting me to “do something” about his prostate cancer.  The doctor had told him no treatment was necessary because he would die from something else before his prostate cancer was a problem because he had the kind of cancer that grows so slowly.

It might have grown slowly but he couldn’t think of anything else because he wanted someone to “do something!”

If you don’t understand the issue, listen to this man.  He is not a doctor but understands the issue and how complicated making a decision about this is for the person.  It isn’t easy for the doctor either.  Understanding it completely will keep a person from “wanting something to be done—right now!”  So take a few moments and listen to the first half of this presentation by Malcolm Gladwell. 

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Processed Food Disease

What causes diabetes?  Heart disease?  Fatty liver disease?  

Medicine is based on giving drugs for these diseases to “manage them,” not cure them.

But what if there were a cure? If you need to be convinced that these diseases are caused by eating processed foods, then listen to this video. He is a remarkable medical doctor.  You will enjoy his lecture using graphs and statistics. This is not simply his opinion, but based on research! ENJOY!

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State of Medical Care

I hope you will listen to this video. Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Marty Makary’s about his book, “The Price We Pay: What Broke American Health Care–and How to Fix It.” He is a surgeon at John Hopkins and speaks to why the health care system is broken. He says doctors know the nudges to get patients to do what they want them to do. However, he also talks about how patients should take responsibility for not accepting an antibiotic when the doctor says it is a virus. It works both ways: doctors should not do things to patients that are unnecessary AND patients should not demand treatment that is not necessary.

He polled medical doctors and they said 1/5 of the treatments done on patients are unnecessary. He also said that hospitals are really wanting to build spinal surgery centers because they are so lucrative, not because they care about people in pain. He asked spinal doctors how many spinal surgeries are done that are not necessary. You will be surprised at the answer.

He says primary care is completely broken! As he says, we have a health care CRISIS!

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Alzheimer’s Information

I like to offer you a video or an article written by other people so you know that this isn’t just my idea.

I remember years ago learning that Alzheimer’s is caused by mercury.

If you want to understand it in greater depth, watch this video.

If you want to me to “bottom line it for you,” I will. But it is a very interesting video.

We have a great deal of mercury in our environment and some think it is passed down from one generation to another. In the video, this biochemist says mercury is the cause for Alzheimer’s and he has a cure. Well, he had a supplement that was sold between 2008-2010, but problems with the FDA caused him to close it down.

Then he decided to have it made into a prescription, but, as he says, there will be problems getting a prescription in the US because medical doctors will say, “no one is toxic on mercury.” Why? They don’t see it in the blood test. The drug is not available yet, but will first be released in Scotland. I do have a long lost relative I need to visit in Scotland, right?

If you would like to see how well it works, listen to him. He has NO mental issues and he is 79 years old. He is remarkable and says he has taken this supplement every day for a long time. I want some!! Don’t you?

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30th Anniversary

The end of August is the 30thanniversary of my private practice in CO.  

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who have trusted me to assist you in your journey toward health.  We all have a body and it is a job to keep it healthy, especially in the environment of chemicals and GMO’s.  Staying healthy is a continual work in progress.  

The actual date of opening my practice was August 29, 1989.  I graduated chiropractic school in 1986 and worked with another chiropractor in Houston until moving to Denver to start my own practice.

We will work together to continue to improve our health as the years go by.  May your health flourish!  Now to celebrate, I’m going to San Diego Thursday!!  I’ll be back in the office August 28th.

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Why Health Eludes Us

Dr. Jason Fung is a kidney doctor in Canada who typically works with people who are diabetic.  

He has worked in the medical business long enough to really understand it.  

He explains why health eludes people in the first five minutes of this video. 

If you listen no further, listen to the first five minutes.  

This is why I do the work I do:  to help people be healthy instead of being on one drug after


If you have never tried fasting, see if it is for you? 

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Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is the #1 reason for blindness in the western world.  And those of us who suffer with it have been gifted by an ophthalmologist, Dr. Chris Knobbe.  He wrote a book, “Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration.”  He sells it for cost at the website as a download or the book.  

I found his interview at Dr. Mercola’s fascinating.  

If you have macular degeneration or you know someone who has macular degeneration, please pass this interview to them. 

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July is watermelon month. There isn’t another fruit that screams summer like watermelon.  Doesn’t everyone love watermelon?  

It is great for hydration and why we naturally go for it on hot summer days.  Headaches and even bad moods can be cured by hydrating.  Watermelon is over 90% water.  Can you think of a more delicious way to hydrate?

High blood pressure is decreased with the natural potassium in watermelon.  And don’t forget the gift of fiber we get from watermelon.

Enjoy July and don’t forget to enjoy watermelon!  It makes you smile!

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Statins and Diabetes

We are still talking about statins.  The research is coming in that statins raise blood sugar and causing diabetes.   Here is a reference that taking statins contributes to our diabetic epidemic.  

Just in case you have missed it, the numbers are in for statins.  If one hundred people are given statins, one of those people will live longer because of taking the statin.  Thirty to forty will have a negative reaction, like muscle pain which may or may not go away. The other people in the study aren’t hurt and their life expectancy isn’t lengthened.  I say they are just  supporting the drug companies.

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What is in Shrimp?

You are very astute about the food you eat.  

You want to avoid chemicals. You want to avoid metals.  And, you want to avoid drugs.  

Fish can be contaminated with drugs, even cocaine.  What would you do if you knew your shrimp contained antibiotics as well as pesticides that have been banned.  

Our knowledge informs our decisions about what to eat.   Here is an article to increase your knowledge.