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Life With and After Corona

All of this talk about the corona virus. Doctor Zach Bush is one of my all time favorites, whether he is talking about regenerative farming or medical care. Do you think you are more likely to get covid and die if you are taking certain medications like ace inhibitors or statins? And what should be done about it? And will a vaccine help us? And where we have the possibility of landing on the other side of the corona virus. Sit in your favorite chair and listen to a very sane perspective.

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Healing by HEALY

Have you ever thought that your healing is left up to you?  I don’t mean we can’t get any help, but it is our body and we need to do all we can to avoid the doctor and hospitals.  Right?  I want to take care of myself as much as possible and that is why I am so interested in the HEALY.

Here is my website for the HEALY.

My HEALY should be in by the time you read this.  They just launched the product here in the US on May 1.  It is all about healing from frequencies.  If you are not familiar with frequencies, watch this video and you will be up to speed.

If you would like a chance to use mine, call me and come in.  You can get the feel of it in my office.  Time is of the essence because they are on sale until the 21st I think at 40% off.  If you like it and want it, it would be great to get the discount.  

If you cannot get in but, like me, have an inner knowing this would be helpful to you, order your HEALY here.  You have a 14 day guarantee which means you have 14 days to change your mind.

“Good Health is Priceles!.”

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Ask Me Why?

You ask why?  Asking why shows curiosity and intelligence.  We should always be able to ask why someone thinks they way they do or wants us to do something.  So when you know someone, like me, doesn’t want to be vaccinated, you might ask why?  Take just 10 minutes and watch this video and you will hear, from an expert, many of the reasons why.  She does a great job explaining and she worked on vaccines all her professional career.  Please, take 10 minutes.  

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The Truth About Vaccines

There is a documentary-series called The Truth About Vaccines. I’ve seen it before and it is excellent.

You can sign up here. Remember, each episode is on for 24 hours. My experience tells me at the end, they will have a weekend where all episodes will be available. Of course, if you would like, you can buy the series. This is the time that we need to critically consider what vaccines do to us. Someone recently said to me, “well, I’m sure you had some when you were a child.” Yes, I had two. But not they have so many and if the vaccines were what or health depended on, we would be the healthiest population of any country in the world as we take more vaccines than anyone else. But we aren’t. In fact, in terms of our health, we are way down the list according to the WHO. Please give this your attention before it is taken out of your hands!

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NET stands for NeuroEmotional Technique and is a technique to help the body deal with stress. Ahhhhh…..

There is a documentary called STRESSED that is available now on YouTube. This techniques helps remove or resolve the “stress” from the body. If you have any time on your hands (think: Corona Virus) please watch this video. You might need it. You might not. The reason to watch is to ask yourself, “how would that fit in my health routines? How would that help me? And, when would I need to consider get some NET done.


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Corona Virus Vaccine Indemnity

You know those political things that are done quietly, right? In other words, they are done behind our backs. Do you think they are usually helpful to the common folk, like me, or injurious to the common folk? I think if they were helpful, it would be front page headlines in every newspaper so the politician could get a few bumps up in ratings, right?

This is a 6 minute video. I don’t want you to take my word for it. I want you to see if for yourself. Bill Gates owns the rights to the corona virus vaccine and he was quietly given indemnity by Fauci. It wasn’t front page headlines. How come?

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Vaccines Revisited

When people ask me about vaccines, it is normally when we are just visiting, but not where I have facts at my fingertips. I want to keep this particular blog post in my purse and the next time someone asks me, I’ll just pull it out of my purse. That would be so cool. Because you see, she is a medical doctor. She knows how to read science as well as how people cheat on studies. And she understands how money talks, everything else walks. She also has her own experience.

I think you will find her fascinating and full of information. And if you know any people who have autistic children, please sent them this post as it could help them tremendously because you can’t help the problem until you understand the problem.

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“Curing the Incurable”

Stuck at home?  Doing some home schooling?  Need a project for the older children? 

Or just need some alone time each day to refresh yourself.  What about something very inspiring?  And something that is most appropriate for our current situation?

I was loaned a book, ”Curing the Incurable” by Thomas Levy.  You know how books sit beside your bed until one day you open it.  Fascinating read.  It is inspiring and will set you back on your feet and perhaps in your thinking.  

When you read this book, you won’t ever forget it.  When you are sick, you will remember some of what was written in this book.

Do yourself a favor and read it!

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Have you been feeling stressed out? If you haven’t you are probably in the minority. It is great if you can keep your perspective during times of social distancing and fear of contagion. Kids are out of school. We have lost our routines, Typically, we feel very safe within our routines as we know what is going to happen.

The world has changed. We do not know how long it will be before we know our new normal. The Buddhist say there is one thing for certain, and it is change. So this too will pass.

Be kind to yourself going though this transition. It is thrust upon us. We have to adapt.

Three rules: 1) exercise and that includes deep breathing, 2) pamper yourself and 3) allow yourself to have your emotions. Just avoid getting stuck in your emotions. This might be an opportunity for you to rest, connect in a deeper way with your children, call people you have meant to call but never have time to call, learn new recipes or get your crafts out. Do what you always wish you had time to do!

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Corona Revisited

What are you doing to stay safe?  

You may have noticed the lamp in my office.  Those bulbs are not normal bulbs.  Instead they are bulbs that clean the space, like my table as well as the air.  I leave the lights on 24 hours a day.  It would be great if all hospitals and nursing homes used these lights.  You can use them too.  Read all about them right here!

We know all the hand sanitizer is gone from the stores.  But what about making your own at home?   What a great activity to do with the kiddos, right?  Teach them to make their own from products that don’t make you sick and toxic.  Here is a video showing you how to make clean products at home.