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B vitamins

I was reading how B vitamins are important to avoid macular degeneration, which I have. Believe me, you want to avoid macular degeneration. Higher serum levels of vitamin B12 were strongly associated with decreased risk of having macular degeneration where high levels of homocysteine were associated with a significant increased risk of developing macular degeneration. Serum folate was less strongly correlated, but people who had deficiency at the beginning of a 10 year study had approximately twice the chance of having macular degeneration. So take heed.

Back in my college days, I admired Leo Buscalia. A favorite quote of his, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

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Our Emotional Imprints

I do the NeuroEmotional Technique in my practice. It isn’t hard for us to understand how our childhood affected us. Why? Because we remember it. Right? However, sometimes an emotion will go back to conception or our time in the womb. How in the world could that affect us emotionally? Here is an article that illuminates some of that mystery. Even though we might BELIEVE it is true, it is nice to have the science behind that belief. In case you are interested in that science, here is an article I think you will enjoy reading.

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June, July and August

Summer is flying by.  As we are rolling toward July 4, I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather.  

Did you know there is something called laughter therapy?  If you are my age, you might remember a man by the name of Norman Cousins, who was diagnosed with cancer.  He rented some funny movies and went to a hotel and for a time and watch all of them, laughing all the way.  And guess what, his cancer was healed.  How much laughing do you do?  If you have small kids, probably a lot.  Let’s make a point of laughing every day!!  At least smile while out and about.  

The thing I really noticed when I was in Thailand, the people wear smiles like we wear tennis shoes.  It is a way of living.  Let’s laugh easily and smile often (many times a day, even if it is in the mirror).

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New Symptoms

If you aren’t a senior, you have friends and family who are.  Let’s say someone comes up with a new symptom or group of symptoms.  The first thing to review is:  look up all the medications they are taking and see what the side effects are.   That long list of side effects that you hear on their advertisements is no joke.   Many people have had that side effect or it would not be listed.

It is scary enough being a senior.  When new symptoms arrive, help them by looking up their medications and seeing if the side effects listed match their problem.  And remember, it is not wise to simply stop a medication.  I always tell a patient to go by and talk to their friendly pharmacist about how to get off if they can’t get in to see their doctor quickly.    

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I haven’t heard anyone singing “and the living is easy.”   Not lately.  But, It is easier for us to be well in the summer.  We spend more time outside.  Yeah for vitamin D, right?   We tend to get more exercise.  People vacation.  Relaxation is a desired destination.

People tend to be healthier in the summer. People clear their organisms better in the summer.  Even though people make new year resolutions in January, after Christmas, I think summer is a better time to decide to get healthier.  So if your new year’s resolution slipped by you, decide to do three things throughout the summer to improve your health.  It is June.  Place a reminder on your calendar in mid-September to evaluate how you did on those three items. 

Evaluate what you need to do the most to improve your overall health to determine your three things.  Make you a priority every day for 3 months.  Let me know how you do.